An Craoibhín Childcare was established in 2008. Our facility is built within the community centre and geared for the early growth and development of children. Our highly skilled team have up to date childcare training and have successfully completed up to date first aid training. All staff and any students on placement here have child protection training and have been Garda vetted. We currently have four rooms, included in this are a créche which facilitates children from 6 months up to 3.5 years, two Naíonra rooms for ECCE children from 2 years and 8 months. We also have one after school room which facilitates school age children up to 12 years of age. Each room has it’s own toys and equipment suitable for the children’s age and stage of development. Our curriculum approach is guided by Aistear. It’s goal is to equip children with attributes and skills to succeed and prosper in their lifelong learning journey.
We have our own chef and fully equipped HSE approved kitchen which enables us to provide your children with a balanced and healthy diet. We also provide sleep areas for the children who require a nap. We have two small play outdoor areas, one large outdoor area and we also have use of poly tunnels so the children can plant fruit and vegetables and watch them grow.